Improvement of soil health and quality in Mediterranean vineyards

The use of fertilizers in agricultural production implies a very high impact on the environment and in particular on soil health.Traditionally, inorganic fertilization has been introduced in Mediterranean crops as a usual agricultural practice. Given the current climatic crisis, it is therefore necessary to limit the use of these products and to combine alternative products to mineral nitrogen fertilization. For this pourpose University of Burgos aims to improve soil quality and health parameters incorparating and monitoring novelty strategies in soil management. The main objective of this Subtask 4.2.2 is to assess the incorporate a new techology, OptinyteTM, by reducing at 30% and 40% the amount of Nitrogen of the NPK inorganic fertilization with any impact on vineyard yield and quality.In 40% N-inorganic fertilization reduction, a mix of beneficial bacteria is added as biostimulants.

This assesment will performed by case studies developed in Aster vineyard placed in DO Ribera del Duero, an international quality wine area of Spain. The main expected result is to minimize de Nitrogen loss by the application of Optinyte in Mediterranean vineyard, in particular in a vineyard placed in D.O. Ribera del Duero. We will also obtain the specific amount of Nitrogen- fertilization reduction could be perform without negative impact on yield and quality on vineyard.