We are a group of 23 entities from a variety of backgrounds including producers, technical SMEs, large companies, research centers and universities, producer associations and transfer associations from six countries based around Europe.


Felicidad de Herralde, Researcher in viticulture in the Food Production Program at IRTA

Coordinator & Leader of several WPs

Work Package Leaders

Laura Reyes, EU Project Manager at VITAGORA

WP1 Leader "Comprehensive initial diagnosis for a holistic picture of the contentious pesticides, use-impact and alternatives' acceptance"

María Torné, Global Biology Leader Biological Insect Control at Corteva Agriscience

WP2 Leader "Testing of new alternative plant protection products: biopesticides, biocontrol, agents, innovative adjuvants and formulations"

Emilio Gil, Director of the Agricultural Mechanization Unit at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

WP3 Leader "Development of a ready-to-use smart farming platform for crop protection management"

Giorgia Fedele, Post-Doc at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC)

WP4 Leader "New soil management strategies for improving crop health with less chemicals"

Valentina Manstretta, R&D project manager at Horta

WP6 Leader "Market compliance, exploitaition plan and after-life project setup strategy"

Julie Bolle, Chief of Staff at European Business Summit (EBS)

WP7 Leader "Communications, dissemination and exploitation of results"

Other Partners

Eric Chantelot

Eric Chantelot is Director of Agroecology Department at the French Wine and Vine Institute (IFV)

Athanasios Demeslis

Athanasios Demeslis is an Olive Farmer, Olive Oil Producer, Olive Oil Taster and founder of Myrolion, Greece

Antonio Graça

António Graça is Head of Research and Development at Sogrape, Portugal

Victoria Humanes

Victoria Humanes is Director of Communications at the Wine Technology Platform (PTV), Spain

Zein Kallas

Zein Kallas is Scientific Director at the Center for Agro-Food Research and Development (CREDA), Spain

Ioannis Malounas

Ioannis Malounas is Project Manager at the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

Maria di Martino

Maria Martino represents UNAPROL

Filipe Neves Dos Santos

Filipe Neves dos Santos is the coordinator of TEC4AGRO-FOOD initiative and manager of Laboratory of Robotics and IoT for Smart Precisio

Francisco Pavão

Francisco Pavão

Francisco Pavão is director of the Associação dos Produtores em Protecção Integrada de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (APPITAD), Portugal

José Alberto Pereira

José Alberto Pereira is Director of the Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO/IPB), PortugalJosé Alberto Pereira is Director of the Centr

Emilio Rodríguez Canas

Emilio Rodríguez is Winemaker and Director of Quality and R&D at Terras Gauda, Spain

Tamara Rodríguez Silva

Tamara Rodríguez Silva is Senior European Projects Manager at the Galician Enterprise-University Foundation (FEUGA), Spain

Gonzalo Sacristán-Pérez-Minayo

Gonzalo Sacristán-Pérez-Minayo is Professor at the University of Burgos, Spain

Zisis Tsiropoulos

Zisis Tsiropoulos is CEO of AGENSO, Greece

Josep Maria Torne

Josep Maria Torne

Josep Maria Torne is head of department Wines at the Centro tecnológico del Vino (VITEC)

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