NOVATERRA FINAL CONFERENCE – PRESS RELEASE: NOVATERRA moves towards the reduction of Plant Protection Products in vineyards and olive groves

A consortium of 23 international organisations has been researching, over the last four years, how to use more sustainable solutions without losing yield and quality.Trials have been carried out in…

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“In Spain, we have been able to control the disease with less amount of pesticides and water”

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Fran Garcia, a Researcher at the Unit of Agricultural Mechanization (UMA) at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), is actively involved in NOVATERRA, focusing on leveraging existing technologies and sensors…

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Real-life testing in NOVATERRA’s multi-country project: advancing alternative natural products

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NOVATERRA, with its primary objective of developing alternative natural products, including biostimulants and biocontrol agents, aims to minimise the reliance on conventional plant protection products (PPPs) for combating powdery and…

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