Sharing best practices through capacity-building workshops

An essential aspect of the NOVATERRA project involves organising capacity-building workshops aimed at sharing project results and best practices. As we enter the final phase of the project, partners have been coordinating a series of activities in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and France.

During a workshop in the Montpellier region organised by members of the NOVATERRA consortium (the French Wine and Vine Institute-IFV, Corteva, and Vitagora), we interviewed stakeholders to gather their insights into innovative and sustainable viticulture, as well as their contributions to the development of solutions for the NOVATERRA project.

Meet Romain Angelras, passionate wine producer from the Nîmes region, who has pioneered trials using ozonated water on small vineyard plots affected by downy mildew and powdery mildew.

Meet Guillaume Alépée, manager of the Domaine Maspiquet, the vineyard of the Agriculture School of Montpellier, who is developing a Decision Support System (DSS) for NOVATERRA.

A key component of NOVATERRA strategy is to engage external stakeholders in our work and ask for their input and feedback so that to ensure that the solutions developed meet the needs of the end-users.