NOVATERRA DSS for disease monitoring in olive groves and vineyards

NOVATERRA project has developed a fully functional Decision Support System (DSS) to operate as a valuable tool in the hands of European producers for predicting disease outbreaks of two main pathogens that cause severe economic losses to vineyards and olives groves by generating qualitative and quantitative degradation of the agricultural production, while simultaneously, they also damage and jeopardize the cultivation itself.

The NOVATERRA DSS is accessible in and provides information regarding the prediction of infection risk by Downy mildew in vineyards (Plasmopara viticola-PLASMO model), and Peacock spot disease in olives, (Spilocaea oleaginea-Peacock sport model). NOVATERRA DSS also provides the ideal time for spraying. Results are presented in a colored map for the 4 upcoming days, for all regions included in the tool, and more specifically, Spain (Catalonia region), France (Montpellier region), Italy (Emilia Romagna region) and Greece (Thessaly and Attica region) and Portugal (Viseu, Guarda, Vila Real, and Braganca). The DSS displays infection risk in 4 distinct coloration: Green for no risk (0%), Yellow for low risk, Orange for medium risk, and Red for maximum risk (~100%).

This innovative tool has been developed taking into account epidemiology models for the prediction of diseases’ infection via HORTA’s web-services and is based on OPTIMA DSS developed by AGENSO. The DSS functions by exploiting data from weather station networks, for providing prediction data with high accuracy, thus allowing a better understanding of the infection risk based on the optimum conditions for diseases’ early symptoms occurrence in order to properly and timely control the potential outbreaks.