Main project objective is to minimize, in a demonstrative and real way, the use of phytosanitary products of chemical origin in viticulture and also; to evaluate the practical implementation of bioprotective alternatives in Spanish vineyards, by applying existing technologies for the analysis of vegetation and/or vigour maps, as well as by using highly-efficient treatment equipment, to optimize chemical treatments, thus minimizing their environmental impact and people risk, reducing their economic costs.
GOPHYTOVID aimed to develop a work plan, with a total duration of 23 months to develop a supra-autonomic innovation project, based on the development of a tool to treat illnesses and plagues in the vineyard, suitable as an aiming system for decision making to the viticulturist, minimizing treatment costs.
1. Application of the system of automated variable treatment based on Prescription maps.
2. Application of the system of automated variable treatment based on zonal Vigour maps.
3. Production and formulation of Biocontrol agents effective against vine Wood illnesses.
4.- Collection, interpretation and analysis of results. Project conclusions.
The main project results are:
Validation of the DOSA3D and DOSAVIÑA systems for dose adjustment in large-scale phytosanitary treatments. Reduction in phytosanitary products application from 10% to 40%.
Validation of treatments based on vigour maps made from NVDI images of Sentinel2. Enhancement of protocols for parasitoid diseases and new generation equipment (high efficiency) with a recovery tunnel.
Drastic reduction of costs and personal and environmental risks in vineyard treatments.