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Are you interested in the thematic of the NOVATERRA project? Do you possess relevant knowledge, and/or are a fundamental actor whose data needs to be obtained, analysed and addressed in…
Are you interested in the thematic of the NOVATERRA project? Do you possess relevant knowledge, and/or are a fundamental actor whose data needs to be obtained, analysed and addressed in…
On October 27th, NOVATERRA partners met online to officially kick-off a new research and innovation Project with the aim to create a more holistic approach to ensure food security and…
Στις 27 Οκτωβρίου, οι εταίροι της δράσης NOVATERRA συναντήθηκαν διαδικτυακά για να ξεκινήσουν επίσημα ένα νέο έργο έρευνας και καινοτομίας με στόχο τη δημιουργία μιας ολιστικής προσέγγισης για την αύξηση…
Durante 4 años, 19 socios procedentes de 6 países trabajarán en la reducción del uso de pesticidas aplicados a viñedo y olivar en regiones mediterráneas.La Plataforma Tecnológica del Vino lidera…
· Es tracta del projecte NOVATERRA, que desenvoluparà un conjunt de noves estratègies per aconseguir que els cultius de vinyes i oliveres eliminin o redueixin significativament l’ús dels pesticides més…
Durante 4 anos, 19 socios procedentes de 6 países traballarán na redución do uso de pesticidas aplicados ao viñedo e oliveiral en rexións mediterráneas.FEUGA organizará ao longo do proxecto dous…
On October 27th, NOVATERRA partners met online for the official kick-off meeting to launch the project. NOVATERRA stands for “Integrated Novel Strategies for Reducing the Use and Impact of Pesticides,…